Dog Adoption: 5 Reasons to Ask About Activity Level and Exercise Needs

Dog Adoption: 5 Reasons to Ask About Activity Level and Exercise Needs

Is the dog going to be able to keep up with you? And are you going to be able to keep up with the dog? Just like people, not all dogs are runners. Some breeds of dogs are known to enjoy running, but not all dogs of that breed will want to, or be able to, run with you. Almost all dogs will need or want some form of exercise. Whether it be jogging, walking, or playing fetch, make sure you are adopting a dog that matches your activity level. 

At, we celebrate the heartwarming decision of dog adoption—a choice that brings endless joy and companionship. When adopting a dog, asking about their activity level and exercise needs is vital for a happy and healthy life together. In this blog post, we’ll explore why understanding these factors is essential and how they contribute to a harmonious match.

5 Reasons to Ask About Activity Level and Exercise Needs

  1. Activity Level (Matching Lifestyles): Inquiring about a dog’s activity level ensures compatibility with your energy levels and daily routines.
  2. Exercise Needs (Providing Adequate Stimulation): Understanding exercise needs helps you plan for proper physical and mental stimulation, promoting a well-rounded and happy dog.
  3. Healthy Lifestyle (Preventing Boredom and Obesity): Addressing their needs contributes to a healthier lifestyle, preventing boredom-related issues and obesity.
  4. Bonding Time (Strengthening Your Relationship): Engaging in regular exercise together strengthens your bond and creates cherished memories.
  5. Enriching Their Lives: Providing appropriate activity and exercise enriches their lives, leading to a content and fulfilled dog.


Inquiring about a dog’s activity level and exercise needs is a crucial step in responsible dog adoption. At, we believe in finding the perfect match between dogs and their forever homes. By understanding these factors, you ensure a seamless integration, a happy dog, and a loving relationship that lasts a lifetime. Embrace the journey of adopting a dog with open arms, and cherish the opportunity to provide a forever home to a deserving canine companion.