Are dogs in Michigan required to wear a collar?

Yes, dogs in Michigan must generally wear a collar with identification tags. While specific requirements may vary depending on local ordinances, it is common for Michigan municipalities to have regulations that mandate dogs to wear collars and identification tags when in public.

The purpose of requiring dogs to wear collars with identification tags is to ensure they can be easily identified and returned to their owners if they become lost or stray. Identification tags typically include the dog’s name, owner’s contact information, and sometimes a license tag or rabies tag.

Additionally, wearing a collar with identification tags helps demonstrate that the dog is properly cared for and owned by someone. It also assists in distinguishing between owned dogs and stray or unowned dogs.

It’s important to note that some exceptions or variations may exist depending on local regulations or specific circumstances, such as when dogs participate in certain activities or events. Therefore, it’s advisable to check the local ordinances or consult with your local animal control or county clerk’s office to understand the specific requirements regarding dog collars and identification tags in your area.